Another example of the cubic lattice system is the body-centered cubic crystal of cesium chloride. 立方晶系的另一个例子是氯化铯的体心立方晶体。
The phase of diluted mixed Ising spin system with cubic lattice is studied. 用相关有效场理论研究立方点阵、稀磁混自旋Ising模型的基态相性质。
The renormalization group approach is used to treat the problem of bond percolation on simple cubic lattice. The threshold p_c, the fractal dimension D and the critical exponent γ are obtained. 采用位置空间重整化群方法,对简立方格子(SC)键渗流模型进行了研究,得到了临界值pc、模型在相变点的分形维数D和临界指数γ。
Compared to simple cubic lattice, body-centered cubic hollow sphere foams have higher relative density, stress and modulus. 相同制备条件下,体心结构的空心球多孔材料的相对密度、抗压强度和弹性模量均高于简单立方结构多孔材料;
The morphology of diblock copolymer melts containing solid particles is simulated by the Monte Carlo method based on bond length fluctuation and hole diffusion algorithm at cubic lattice model. 采用改进的键长涨落空穴扩散算法,在立方格子上对含固体颗粒的两嵌段共聚高分子熔体的微相结构进行了MonteCarlo(MC)模拟。
Periodic boundary conditions were used to reduce the fixed error from limited cubic lattice in size. 使用周期性边界条件以减小有限大格子空间带来的系统误差;
Photonic Band Structure of Simple Cubic Lattice in Chiral Medium Plane Wave Method 手征材料构成的简立方光子晶体光子带结构计算&平面波法
The method is applied to random self-avoiding walks on simple cubic lattice. 在本文中首先叙述了这个方法的计算原理,然后将它应用到简单立方格子中的无规自避行走问题上。
A Study of the Simple Cubic Lattice Bond Percolation Problem on the Renormalization Group Approach 简立方格子键渗流模型的重整化群方法研究
Before the formation of stable oxides, a meta-stable ZrO_2 with cubic lattice structure appeared. 在形成稳定氧化物之前,还会出现亚稳定的立方ZrO2。
Using the tight-binding theory, the influences of the thermal expansion on the energy band structure of the solid with a body-centered cubic lattice was discussed, the 1S and 2S energy bands of body-centered cubic lattice were calculated. 以体心立方结构为例,利用紧束缚理论,讨论了热膨胀对固体能带结构的影响,具体计算了体心立方晶格的1S能带和2S能带。
Adsorption and collapse of a polymer chain modeled by a self-avoiding walk on the cubic lattice 简立方格点自避行走所模拟的高分子链吸附和塌缩
A face-centered cubic lattice. The space distribution law of D lattice point is revealed. D晶格证明是面心立方晶格,并揭示了D格点的空间分布规律。
We discussed the problem of polymer chains near an impenetrable plane. The conformational properties of NRW and SAW on square lattice and simple cubic lattice were studied by means of the equation, the exacted enumeration and the Monte Carlo simulation. 最后讨论了近壁链问题,采用解析法,精确计数和MonteCarlo模拟分别对近壁NRW和SAW在方格子和简立方格子上的构象性质等问题进行了研究和比较。
Three-Dimensional Exactly Solvable Model With Cubic Lattice 三维精确可解格点模型
This paper discusses the critical behaviors and magnetic properties of the spin-1 bond and crystal field dilution Blume-Emery-Griffiths ( BEG) model on simple cubic lattice within the framework of effective field theory ( EFT). 本文在有效场理论的框架内,基于简立方晶格讨论了自旋为1的键和晶场稀疏Blume-Emery-Griffiths(BEG)模型的临界行为和磁学性质。
Based on a simple cubic lattice, a 3-D network model with regular or random structures and periodic boundary was established. 在简单立方网络框架的基础上构造了具有规整和随机特性的三维网络模型,并引入了周期边界条件。
The molecular centres of mass are located at the sites of a simple cubic lattice. 分子质心固定在简单立方晶格的格点上。
Study of the Three-Dimensional Simple Cubic Lattice Percolation Model 引入鬼场的三维简立方格子点渗流模型重整化群方法研究
The plane wave method is developed for calculating photonic band structure in chiral medium, at this basis, the photonic band structure of simple cubic lattice made of chiral medium is calculated. 发展了适于计算由手征材料组成的光子晶体的光子带结构的平面波法。在此基础上,研究了由手征材料组成的简立方光子晶体的光子带结构。
The Monte Carlo method is used to simulation the behavior of a semi-stiff polymer chain in simple cubic lattice. 我们对半刚性高分子链在三维简立方点阵上进行蒙特卡洛数值模拟。
Transmission electron microscopy ( TEM) and high resolution electron microscopy ( HREM) indicate that nano crystalline diamonds have hexagonal lattice and cubic lattice. 透射电镜(TEM)和高分辨电镜(HREM)分析表明,所制备的纳米晶金刚石为立方金刚石和六方金刚石晶体。
Under the same relative density, body-centered cubic hollow sphere foams were 11.2% and 2.2% larger than simple cubic lattice in stress and modulus. 相对密度相同时,体心立方结构多孔材料的抗压强度与弹性模量分别比简单立方结构提高了11.2%和2.2%。
The spin reorientation of magnetic thin film on a simple cubic lattice is simulated by employing Monte Carlo method. The influence of the magnetic anisotropy and the long-range dipolar interaction on the spin configurations of the system is also studied in detail. 利用MonteCarlo方法模拟了简单立方结构磁性薄膜的自旋重取向行为,重点研究了磁各向异性和偶极相互作用对系统自旋取向的影响。
The binding energy of face-centered cubic lattice and hexagonal lattice for C_ ( 60) crystal was calculated by using the analytic interaction potential, the stability of different lattice was discussed and the reason why C_ ( 60) is general face-centered cubic lattice was explained. 用该表达式计算了C(60)分别为面心立方和六方晶格时晶体的结合能,讨论了不同晶格的稳定性问题,解释了C(60)晶体一般是面心立方的原因。
The intrinsic localized mode and the soliton of cubic lattice 立方晶格的本征局域模及孤立子
Calculation of Effective Dielectric Constants of a Simple Cubic Lattice of Conducting Spheres 导电球简立方格子有效介电常数的计算
SEM and XRD results showed that Pd were uniform distributed on C/ TiO2 with face-centered cubic lattice, and both the Pd film and Pd wire were composed of Pd nanoparticles with diameter around 20 nm. SEM和XRD分析表明,两种电极上Pd在C/TiO2上均匀分布、Pd具有面心立方结构,Pd膜与Pd线均由粒径约为20nm的Pd颗粒构成。
The single-unit model has been improved in the simple cubic lattice space, resulting in α-helix structure with non-integer period; and the four-unit lattice model has also been constructed. 对基于简单立方格子的单单元模型进行了适当改进,再现了非整数周期螺旋;并在此基础上提出了四单元格子链模型。
First, three spatial symmetric cubic lattice structures are proposed for deterministic deployment of 3D wireless sensor networks. The formulas of sensor nodes position in these structures are provided based on the generator matrix of cubic lattices and the coverage and connectivity of them are analyzed. 首先面向理想空间环境,提出三种规则对称的立方格结构无线传感器网络,根据格的生成矩阵给出节点部署位置的计算方法,并分析了网络覆盖和连通的条件。